刈包 Taiwanese Burger

Taiwanese Burger


Taiwanese burger has oval bun which is filled with braised pork, Chinese sauerkraut, coriander and powdered peanut.

Where is it from?

Taiwanese burger is adapted from Fuzhou food. The way of eating Taiwanese burger is similar to that of a Western burger. That’s how it got the name. The bun of Taiwanese burger is oval. Inside of the bun, braised pork, Chinese sauerkraut, coriander, powdered peanut and other fillings are added. Nowadays, other than braised pork, red yeast and chicken fillets are also great options. Adding these new flavors shows Taiwanese’s creativity.

How do you prepare it?

It is a custom in Taiwan to eat Taiwanese burgers at a year-end party on lunar calendar of every December 16th. Because its shape looks like a mouth of a tiger and a wallet full of money, to eat Taiwanese burger means to eat all the bad things over the year. On the other hand, Taiwanese burger is a food for certain festivals, so it is not served anytime or everywhere.

Where do you buy it?

Some Taiwanese night markets have been selling Taiwanese burgers for a long time. The most popular Taiwanese burgers are sold in Gogguan Night market, Taipei City.







  • 台灣美食文化網 http://taiwanfoodculture.net/ct.asp?xItem=48256&ctNode=2688&mp=1502
  • 台灣美食文化網 http://taiwanfoodculture.net/ct.asp?xItem=48075&ctNode=2660&mp=1501
  • 維基百科 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%89%B2%E5%8C%85
  • 愛評網 http://www.ipeen.com.tw/shop/22440-%E8%97%8D%E5%AE%B6%E5%89%B2%E5%8C%85
  • 台灣美食文化網 http://taiwanfoodculture.net/ct.asp?xItem=67566&ctNode=2660&mp=1501

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